On Saturday, April 27th, at 8 am, at the Stephentown Transfer Station, there will be a ERCSMWA spring household hazardous waste collection day. This event is open to ERCSMWA-member residents. You must register to participate. Items that will be accepted include ammonia, stains, gasoline, lighter fluid, used oil car batteries, furniture polish, and more. For more information, or to register, pleas call 518-687-1018, or visit ercswma.org.
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Petersburgh Roadside Litter Cleanup
Saturday, April 20th, at 9 am, there will be a roadside litter cleanup at the Petersburgh Town Hall, sponsored by the Town of Petersburgh and co-sponsored by the C8 Committee, Friends of Petersburgh History, Petersburgh Library, Parks and Recreation Committee, PVMCC, and the Petersburgh Baptist Church. Garbage bags, high visibility vests, and nitrile gloves will be provided. We will meet at 9 am. Participants will need to sign a waiver. For more information, please call Ira Share at 518-478-3608.
Bridging Political Divides
Submitted by Peter Pierson
On Saturday, May 4th, from 10 to 11 am, at Roxborough Holdings, 13 Babcock Lake Rd, Braver Angels will hold a one-hour workshop entitled Crossing the Continental Divide, which is designed to introduce you to the depolarizing work of Braver Angels. Braver Angels was founded in 2016 as a grass-roots initiative to help depolarize America. Braver Angels appeals to our common desire to better understand those who look at political things in different ways than we do.
This event is free and there will be simple refreshments.
We are planning a full day red/blue workshop for Saturday, October 5th.
For more information, or to pre-register, please contact Peter Pierson at 518-928-7663 or phpierson@mac.com. You can also register at the door.