by Doug La Rocque
Former Hoosick Falls Village Police Chief Bob Ashe was suspended in December of last year after it was revealed he was under investigation by the NYS Police as part of a ballot-fraud allegation. Chief Ashe resigned his post on Friday, May 13 and three days later pled guilty to a misconduct charge in Village Court. Since that time, Officer Paul Aleksonis has been Officer in Charge running the day to day operations. Following the Tuesday, June 14 meeting of the Board of Trustees, The Eastwick Press spoke with Mayor Rob Allen about the status of the replacement efforts. He told us the Board has been having discussions about it, and is ready to move forward with the search and/or any other options that might be brought to the table. At the meeting, Trustee Kevin O’Malley disclosed that revisions to Civil Service Law dictate any new Police Chief must be a full-time appointment (Chief Ashe was considered part-time). The Trustees also discussed looking into obtaining sample contracts that might be used for any replacement candidate.
At the meeting, the Trustees accepted the resignations of four part-time officers from the Police Department, those being
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