Saturday, June 14, 1834: Today Doc Elijah Graves called and took tea with us and I bargained with him and he inoculated my five children for the kind pox for two doll that is if they have it I was inoculated and Sister Eleanor.
Sunday, June 22: Today I took my double wagon and carried my five children and Susan Wylie to the Shakers to meeting.
Monday: On this morning the widow of James Sweet deceased died of a lingering consumption Wednesday: I took my two horse team and carried my wife and daughter Charlotte and Eliza Wylie and Eunice Watson to the funeral of the widow Sweet. She was the daughter of Old deacon Green of Berlin. Elder Jones preached.
Saturday, June 28, 1834: today Mr. Ostrander hoed for me half a day and I agreed to pay him in cider and towards night I took single wagon and carried my wife to Lebanon. We carried 17 pounds of butter to Edwin A. Briggs store and traded it at 12 cts per pound, and I carried two small bundles of wool to the carding machine on pool hill and left to be carded.
Monday: today Mr. Hiram Thayer began his month work for house rent. Today we cut and drew an oak from the hill and I drew it to E. Goodrich mill and had it sawed into three inch plank and said Goodrich had one for sawing and I had two. I called to the Morton Farm. Brother Wm was loading up goods to carry to Hoosic where he has moved to. I bought a long stail pitch fork of him and paid 25 cts and a tar bucket and paid 12 cts.
Thursday: Today I took my big double wagon to J.B. Maxon’s and had a new tongue ironed and a new tongue to my covered wagon ironed and a band put on a new block tongue and a plate on the geering, and for the whole work he charged one dol and 25 cts.
Friday, July 4: Today I took the covered wagon and carried my wife and Eliza Wylie to Pittsfield to brother F. Jay Wylie’s on a visit, but he nor his wife was at home. They were gone to Richmond. Then I carried sister Eleanor, she went with us to go to Lanesborough to visit Old Aunt Wheeler at one widow Smith’s. We found the old lady bedridden and helpless. She is 91 years of age, maintained by the town. We took a cup of coffee with said widow Smith and then my sister Eleanor returned with me to Pittsfield to brother Wylie’s where I had left my wife. We all then returned home. We came home by way of both Shaker Villages and got home at ten this evening.
Monday: This afternoon I put my horse to the widow Wylie’s wagon and rode to Lebanon after Doc Right for Platt Wylie, for he has the quinzy throat, very much swollen and painful. I called to the pool and got a bundle rolls that I had left the other day, the wool to be carded. Tonight I watched with Platt Wylie.