Shady the Foxhound has been on the hunt for the Annual Berlin Spring Rabies Clinic. [Read more…] about Is It Time For The Berlin Rabies Clinic Yet?
New Lebanon Set To Celebrate Its Bicentennial In Style April 21
The Town of New Lebanon was chartered by an act of the NYS Legislature on April 21, 1818 and on that date, 200 years later, the town is pulling out all the stops to celebrate its bicentennial. [Read more…] about New Lebanon Set To Celebrate Its Bicentennial In Style April 21
Cynthia Nixon Comes To Hoosick Falls To Talk About PFOA
By Doug La Rocque
The former “Sex in the City” star and is now challenging Governor Andrew Cuomo for the Democratic Gubernatorial nomination. [Read more…] about Cynthia Nixon Comes To Hoosick Falls To Talk About PFOA
Hoosick Town Board
Preparing For Pool And Summer Camp Season
By Alex Brooks
At the Hoosick Town Board meeting April 9, Town Supervisor Mark Surdam said the renovation of the Bathhouse at the Town Pool is “well underway” and may be as much as halfway done. [Read more…] about Hoosick Town Board
The Eastwick Press Presents The Candidates For the 107th District Assembly Seat
There will be special election on Tuesday, April 24 to fill the vacant seat in the New York State Assembly. The Republican candidate is Jake Ashby, presently a member of the Rensselaer County Legislature. The Democratic candidate is Cindy Doran, also a member of the legislature. [Read more…] about The Eastwick Press Presents The Candidates For the 107th District Assembly Seat
Grafton Town Board
Speeding Along Route 2 A Concern
By Doug La Rocque
During the public comment section of the Monday night, April 9 meeting of the Grafton Town Board, resident Frank Sbrega asked if there was anything the town could do about the way people were driving along a stretch of NY State Route 2, in particular between Dunham Road and the Grafton Lakes State Park entrance. [Read more…] about Grafton Town Board
Wasaren Girls Basketball All-Star Teams
By Steve Bradley
Emily Erickson of Brittonkill Central School (Tamarac) was named Most Valuable Player of the Wasaren League for the 2017-18 season. [Read more…] about Wasaren Girls Basketball All-Star Teams
Wetlands Become An Issue For Both Ace Hardware And High Peaks Solar
By Doug La Rocque
The Thursday, April 5 meeting opened with a continuation of the combined public hearing for the proposed High Peaks Solar Project on land behind the Hope Methodist Church on Route 2 in Eagle Mills. [Read more…] about Wetlands Become An Issue For Both Ace Hardware And High Peaks Solar
Service Learning Project Leads to Head Start Donation
Submitted by Tasha Anderson
Two students within the Applied Technology Education (ATE) class at Berlin High School voluntarily participated in a Service Learning Project to benefit children at the Head Start preschool program in Berlin. [Read more…] about Service Learning Project Leads to Head Start Donation
A Real Estate Transaction
Wednesday, March 8, 1843: This evening Hiram Newton and his mother came to have me give them a title of the half acre where they once lived. I told them I would when they paid me up the rent and taxes.
Thursday: Today I drove my colt with my old horse to Hosey W. Brown’s store to inquire of him what the taxes would average on the dollar for 20 years and his judgement was that six mills(?).
Friday: Today I took my cutter and my son Geo P. with me, we rode to Canaan. We went to look for a colt to match the one we had, but could not find any. Tonight we stayed to Calvin P. Sackett’s. Today quite a snow storm.
Saturday: Today Mr. Sackett paid me for the cheese he bought when he was to my house on a visit, it was one dol and 44 cts. We started for home at 12 o’clock and got home before night. Tonight the widow Clarissa Sheldon died.
Monday: Today a snow storm.
Tuesday: Today I walked and went over Sheldon Hill and got to Elder Smith’s and took dinner with him and he informed me the funeral of the widow Clarissa Sheldon was put off until Thursday on account of the road being drifted. Today quite blustering.
Wednesday: This afternoon my son Geo P. took the cutter and carried his two sisters to Hancock to Hiram Newton’s on a visit.
Thursday: Today I took my cutter and carried Charlotte E. to the Baptist meeting house to the funeral of the widow Clarissa Sheldon. Mr. Carlisle preached and I met Hiram Newton and Russel Palmer to Randall A. Brown’s. There we had a quick claim lease finished or interlined to specify the rent to Van Rensselaer excepted and then I went to Nicholas Gardner’s and I signed a quick claim to Russel Palmer of a half acre of land that is on my Rodgers farm on the southeast corner of the farm where Isaac Newton built a house in 1822 and lived and his children after his death until two years hence and then rents said place and now Aseneth Newton and her son Hiram signed the quick claim with me and we three acknowledge it before Squ Philander Woodard and then Hiram Newton paid me three dollars cash and said Russel Palmer gave me a note for three dollars payable on the first of June which pays up for the 21 years that I paid Stephen Van Rensselaer the rent and the taxes on said half acre that I gave said Isaac Newton possession by paying me 16 dollars at that time but the bargain with him at that time was to have said half acre no longer time than he or his children lived on said place.