Wednesday, December 20, 1837: today about eleven o’clock I started for market. I carried two sacks of apples and about six cwt of late-made cheese. I got about forty dollars for that cheese. I went through Troy. I could not sell my cheese there but I sold one bag of apples for eighty one cts and then I went on to Lansingburgh to Lamb’s Tavern.
[private]Thursday: This morning I had a drink of bitters and paid my bill to Lamb’s tavern. My horse keeping was 50 cts and lodging was 12 cts. I sold said Lamb a sack of apples, three bushels at 37 cts per. I went into Day’s Store and bought my wife a dark fine french dress of six yards. The price was 50 cts per yard but I only paid 2 dol and 70 cts for the dress. I then came down to Troy and I called to the hardware store and paid one dollar for four brass balls to put onto our old bake stove for an ornament. I then called into the jail to see Joshua Crocker. He was put there for trial for the most shameful and disgraceful abuse towards his oldest daughter Almyra. I then came on to Sand Lake to Rufus Withee’s and bated my team and ate some victuals and I paid twenty dollars interest money on a three hundred dollars note which was the interest up to Oct. last. I then came on home.[/private]