Erin Shea, daughter of Michael and Joanne Shea of Hoosick Falls, is this year’s Valedictorian of the class of 2010 at Hoosick Falls High School. Erin has a grade point average of 95.47 and will receive a New York State Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors designation. Erin has been advanced in math, science and foreign language since the eighth grade. She has been part of the National Honor Society since 2007 and Student Council since 2006,

elected as an officer for both. Erin excels in both her academics and athletics. She has played soccer and basketball for the past four years, earning scholar athlete all fours years, and was a 2010 Capital Region Scholar Athlete recipient. She has been a volunteer in her community for the past several years, especially in the Town of Hoosick children’s camp and basketball programs. Erin was the recipient of the Who’s Who Among Honor Students Award, Citizenship Award, Community Service Award and the prestigious University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Science Award. Erin will be majoring in Biology/Pre-Med in the fall of 2010. Congratulations Erin!