The Hoosick Falls bowling team won a hard fought match against Schuylerville on Wednesday by the score of 3-1 at the Schuylerville lanes. Hoosick Falls now has a record of 29-3 and Schuylerville fell to 20-8. Hoosick Falls won the first game by 29 pins and Schuylerville roared back wining the second game by 35 pins. In the third and decisive game Hoosick Falls won by 42 pins giving them a total match point by just 36 pins. It was a great battle between the two best teams in the Southern Division of the Adirondack League.
Top bowlers for Schuylerville were Matt Seymour with a 260-660 and Chris Braim with a 246-657. Top bowlers for Hoosick Falls were Joe Wolfrum 237-685, Chris Pelletier 242-650, Mitch Andrew 255-622, Jake Colliano 223-601, Bryan Callahan 202-572 and Cody LaFlamme with a nice 206-559.
“This was such a great match to watch as both teams have great bowlers who can put up good scores at any time. Each game went down to the last few frames to see who was going to win the point. I was really proud how well our team held up under the pressure and made some very important spares in the last important game. Our depth of good bowlers and the great job that Cody LaFlamme did in only his second start of the season made all the difference. It was a great team effort by all the bowlers on the team,” said Coach Lang.