A black Lab named Pearl was last seen on Crandall Road in Grafton on April 7. She is your quintessential black Lab so she can’t be missed. If found, please call Liz or Dan at 658-0328.
Rensselaer County
Brunswick Grange Tailgate Sale
On Sunday, May 5, the Brunswick Grange will hold its Annual Spring Agricultural Tailgate Sale at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds, Routes 67 & 40, Schaghticoke, from 8 am to 12:30 pm. More than 50 vendors will have various varieties of chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, vegetables, plants, flowers and other agricultural items. Absolutely no dogs, cats, puppys or kittens will be allowed for sale. A donation of $15 per vendor will be charged.
The event will be held rain or shine. Refreshments will be available. For more information, please call 279-9113.
Rensselaer County Legislature – Endings And Beginnings
by Kieron Kramer
Perhaps the best part of the Rensselaer County Legislature’s monthly meeting is the presentation period before the regular business starts. The presentations to the families of deceased pillars of the community, those who have made the history of the County, are quite emotional and moving, such as the presentation on Tuesday to the husband of Cathy Wickswat, a farming agent for the Cornell Cooperative Extension, which honored her for her service to the farming community in the Capital District. At the other end of life’s road are the presentations to the County’s youth who are beginning to leave their mark on the community. On Tuesday the presentations to the Hoosick Falls Central School bowling and wrestling teams heralded the future of these dedicated, hard working, talented, young people.
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Higher CHIPs Funding For Local Highways
by Alex Brooks
This year Town and County Highway Superintendents have successfully pressured the State government to increase funding for local highway aid known as CHIPS (Consolidated Highway Improvement Program).
The CHIPS money, which provides State funding to municipalities for construction and repair of local highways and bridges, has been level-funded at $363 million statewide for the last five years.
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Politicians Encourage Community To Support Lace Up For A Cure Event In Hoosick
Rensselaer Land Trust April Events
The Rensselaer Land Trust (RTL) invites the public to attend three April events.
On Saturday, April 13, at 9 am the RTL will lead a vernal pool hike at their Geiser Preserve, a beautiful, wooded 95 acres on Perigo Hill on the Rensselaer Plateau. Among the rocky knolls and hemlock-maple-beech woods are vernal pools, which fill with snowmelt and rainwater in the spring, attracting breeding spring peepers, wood frogs and spotted salamanders. On this trip we hope to see or hear these symbols of spring or see their eggs. The hike will be about three miles roundtrip. The charge is $5, free for RLT members. To register contact Francille Egbert at 518-674-3214 or fran.egbert@gmail.com.
In observance of Earth Day, the RTL and the City of Troy will be sponsoring the sixth annual clean-up of the shores of Tomhannock Reservoir, the source of drinking water for 125,000 residents of Troy and other communities. Volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 20, from 9 am to noon. Meet at the NYS DEC public access parking lot on NY Route 7 in Raymertown, just before the causeway over the reservoir. Groups will collect trash along the shore. Garbage bags will be provided. Bring gloves. We will work regardless of weather, so dress appropriately. To register, contact Paul Schroeder at 518-674-2480 or pschroeder1@nycap.rr.com.
RTL is providing a series of opportunities to learn fungi with local mycologist Sue Van Hook. First up is an indoor workshop on Tuesday, April 16, at 7 pm at The Sage Colleges Cowee IV Conference Room in Troy. Learn to identify the different groups of fungi in preparation for Van Hook’s outdoor mushroom walk on Sunday, April 28, at 1:30 pm. Bring a notebook and pen. The charge for each program is $10 per person, $15 per couple. Kids can attend for free. Register for each program online on www.renstrust.org or contact Marcy at 518-674-2171.
For more information on the RTL, visit www.renstrust.org.
Pray For Us – We Drive Route 7
by Kieron Kramer
As reported in these pages three weeks ago the Rensselaer County Legislature had decided to renew the request for a safety review of State Route 7 in Hoosick. A resolution to this effect was voted on at the March legislative meeting on Tuesday. The resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman of the Legislature Stan Brownell and Legislator Lester Goodermote; both men represent District Five, which includes the towns of Stephentown, Berlin, Petersburgh, Grafton, Hoosick and the Village of Hoosick Falls.
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NYS Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin Visits Hoosick Falls
by Bea Peterson
As NYS Assemblyman to the recently restructured 107th District Steve McLaughlin has been visiting the area to meet his new constituents. On Thursday, March 7, he and his assistant Nick Wilock were at the Hoosick Falls Armory from 3 to 6 pm. About a dozen people from Grafton, Petersburgh, Hoosick and Hoosick Falls came to talk with him. The Assemblyman listened attentively to their issues and responded with his views.
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Kent’s Sugar House To Host Maple Weekend
submitted by Lilly Hewitt
NYS Maple Producers Association is a not-for-profit comprised of the folks who make maple syrup in New York State. The Association is welcoming everyone to visit member Sugar Houses on “Maple Weekends,” March 16 and 17 and 23 and 24, to learn about the process of making maple syrup. Kent’s Sugar House, a 38 year old local business, will be the Rensselaer County host. It is located at 2529 Plank Road in Berlin and is open from 10 am to 4 pm on both Maple Weekends.
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A Public Meeting On The Rensselaer Plateau Conservation Plan
Please come and join others who live, work or play on the Rensselaer Plateau for a presentation and discussion of the Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan (The Plan). On Thursday, March 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance (RPA) will host a public meeting at the Carner-Etman-Smith VFW Post in Grafton. Turn on South Street directly across from the Town Store. The VFW Post is 1/3 mile on the right. A copy of the draft plan is available at www.rensselaerplateau.org.
The Plan has been under development for over two years which included community forums in 2010, public workshops in 2011-12 and targeted stakeholder meetings to facilitate public input. The purpose of the Rensselaer Plateau Regional Conservation Plan is to:
• identify the areas with the most significant ecological, economic and community values;
• identify conservation and stewardship needs for those areas, and
• create a toolbox for all of the stakeholders of the Rensselaer Plateau region to use.
Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and comment on the plan. RPA will be accepting individual and organizational comments until May 1, 2013.