The Kelly Miller Brothers Circus is returning to Berlin after several years’ hiatus. The all new 2015 season features tigers, an elephant, zebras, llamas, camels and a host of international circus stars from all over the world. [Read more…] about Circus In Berlin: The Big Top Is Coming To Town!
Rensselaer County
Rensselaer County 4-H Fashion Revue
submitted by Kandis Freer
4-H members from Columbia, Greene, Albany and Rensselaer Counties gathered recently in Valatie for the Annual 4-H Fashion Extravaganza. This day was dedicated to evaluating sewing and textiles fashion projects as well as teaching and assisting members on how to write commentaries and model their outfits. The day culminated with a live Fashion Revue where 4-H members walked the runway modeling their sewing and textiles creations. [Read more…] about Rensselaer County 4-H Fashion Revue
Skorupski Landing Dedicated
by Bea Peterson
On Friday afternoon, June 12, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held on the Hoosic River Greenway opening Skorupski Landing to the public. Family spokesperson Ginny Skorupski said she and her 14 year old son, the third John Skorupski, drove from southern Georgia to take part in the dedication. [Read more…] about Skorupski Landing Dedicated
Flag Day Ceremony In Hoosick Falls
by Bea Peterson
The annual Hoosick Falls Flag Day Ceremony was hosted by American Legion Post #40 outdoors at its headquarters on Main Street on Sunday, June 14… Flag Day. Mistress of Ceremonies was Elks member Terri Burdick who described the evolution of the American flag from its beginnings up to today. The various flags were carried by senior Boy and Girl Scouts from the Legion building through an honor guard of very young future girl and boy scouts. [Read more…] about Flag Day Ceremony In Hoosick Falls
Something for Everyone – Three Events By The Rensselaer Plateau Alliance
Three events are scheduled for the near future that should be of interest to many living on or around the Rennselaer Plateau.
Trail Vision Meeting Tuesday June 23: The 118,000 acre (or roughly 184 square mile) Rennselaer Plateau is the fifth largest contiguous forested region in New York State and is an ideal area for a trail network. On Tuesday June 23 the RPA will host a public meeting at 6 pm at the Sand Lake Town Hall to present and discuss the results of the first phase of planning for a trail network on the plateau. The first phase of planning included multiple public and targeted interest-group sessions to gather input for the project. Come to learn about the results and to suggest ideas for Phase II of the project. Registration is not required.
Land Use Planning Workshop Wed. June 24: This is a workshop for municipal planning board members or anyone who wants a better understanding of the ecology of the Plateau or the use of the detailed ecological maps developed for the RP Regional Conservation Plan. Learn about the significant natural areas on the plateau for forests, water and wildlife and how they benefit our communities and how ecological maps and conservation principles can inform planning. Planning board members will get self-certification forms for four hours of municipal training credit. The workshop will be from 5 to 9:30 pm at the Sand Lake Town Hall. There is a $12 registration cost which includes dinner. Please register by contacting Lea Stickle at 845-758-7053 or This project is presented in partnership with the Hudson River Estuary Program, NYS DEC, Cornell University and Hudsonia Ltd. It is funded by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund through the Hudson River Estuary Program of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.
Reading the Forested Landscape with Tom Wessels, Sunday June 28: Based on his popular book, “Reading the Forested Landscape, A Natural History of New England,” Tom Wessels introduces people to approaches used to interpret a forest’s history while wandering through it. Using evidence such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape. This process could easily be called forest forensics, since it is quite similar to interpreting a crime scene. The program will take place from 10 am to 2 pm at Pineridge Cross Country Ski Area and costs $45. Registration is required at Click on Events.
There are many other exciting events scheduled that may be of interest to you. Keep informed of what’s going on with RPA, more than 30 Alliance organizations and a wide range of other groups by checking out our new data-base driven calendar of events at
Veterans Hall
Open House At the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds
Saturday, June 27, 10 am to 4 pm
Veterans Hall is a Salute to Veterans Past and Present. Many fairgoers have visited Veterans Hall or have come to an Open House to pay tribute to our veterans and say thank you. Everyone knows and loves a veteran and many come to share that connection. Some come to see a picture, a clipping or perhaps an item donated by family or a friend that served our country. Veterans Hall honors all veterans. In addition we are compiling a list of veteran’s names from Rensselaer, Saratoga and Washington Counties. This will be an ongoing objective for years to come. Getting your veteran’s name on the list is free, easy and a good way to ensure his/her service will be remembered. Come and share some time with us at the Veterans Hall. This event is free of charge. For more information contact Jody at 518-859-2988 or Lorraine at 753-6936.
Hoosick Grange News
by Corinne Philpott
It was Dairy Princess Night at Hoosick Grange on June 10. David Schmidt was in charge of the program, and he introduced the Rensselaer County Dairy Princess, Isabella Wiley. She told us she will be a Junior in high school in the fall. She helps out on the farm by milking 30 cows at night. [Read more…] about Hoosick Grange News
Join Us For The Berlin July 4th Parade
The Berlin July 4th Parade Committee invites you to tell your Tall Tales with a float in the 2015 parade which kicks off at 11 am on Saturday, July 4th. Tell everyone your tallest tale and maybe even win a cash prize for doing so. There is no entry fee. The Grand Prize float is awarded $125. Other float award categories are Best in Theme, Funniest and Prettiest, with prizes ranging up to $100. [Read more…] about Join Us For The Berlin July 4th Parade
Scrap Booking Teacher Needed
The Everett Wagar Senior Center in Grafton, is in need of a volunteer who knows some basic Scrap Booking. This volunteer would help guide a group of seniors with some basic scrap booking techniques at the senior center. Thank you in advance for helping the seniors in our community. Some supplies will be included for free, for more information please call Penny at 518-279-3413. If you are a Rensselaer County senior 60 years of age or older and are interested in learning basic scrap booking come in and check our center.