Green Mountain Live! has announced Jiminy Peak, Bromley Mountain, and Popular Ski Resorts will sponsor The Full Tilt Boogie Music Festival, to be held on August 22 in Pownal, Vermont. [Read more…] about The Full Tilt Boogie Music Festival In Pownal, Vermont Will Rock The Region On August 22
Rensselaer County
Jimino: County Kicks Off Summer Food Program
Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen M. Jimino recently announced the start of the County’s Summer Food Program, which is a collaborative effort by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the New York State Education Department, and Rensselaer County that provides the opportunity for children under the age of eighteen to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Rensselaer County has sponsored the program since 1974.
“A well balanced diet is crucial to the health of every child and this program ensures that the youth of our community who depend on their schools for their nutrition have access to well balanced meals throughout the summer,” stated Jimino. [Read more…] about Jimino: County Kicks Off Summer Food Program
Rensselaer County Legislature Hears From SNYFGP At Monthly Meeting
Rensselaer County Legislature Hears From SNYFGP At Monthly Meeting
At the monthly Rensselaer County Legislature public comment meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 2015, approximately 20 Rensselaer County citizens spoke concerning their opposition to the proposed NED high-pressure fracked gas pipeline being planned to traverse Albany, Rensselaer, and Schoharie Counties, on its way to the Massachusetts coast, by Texas-based energy giant, Kinder Morgan. The citizens are part of Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline (SNYFGP), an all-volunteer group of concerned Rensselaer County citizens opposed to the proposed Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline. [Read more…] about Rensselaer County Legislature Hears From SNYFGP At Monthly Meeting
4-H Teen Council Scholarships
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County is pleased to announce the 2015 4-H Teen Council Scholarship Recipients. The 4-H Teen Council Scholarship is a very special award. There is an extensive application which includes the candidates’ 4-H experiences and accomplishments on local, county, state, and national levels and how these experiences relate to their personal development. Additionally, a narrative is required in which applicants explain educational goals and how 4-H has prepared them to achieve these goals. We would like to congratulate the following recipients. [Read more…] about 4-H Teen Council Scholarships
TVSC U19 Boys Wrap Season In Second Place With Winning Record
submitted by A. Willis
The Taconic Valley Soccer Club’s U19 Boys, coached by Aaron and Shawn Willis, have wrapped up their spring season with an overall record of five wins, four ties, and three losses. This was a [Read more…] about TVSC U19 Boys Wrap Season In Second Place With Winning Record
Vehicles Collide In Tibbets Forest
by Steve Bradley
At 6:30 pm last Saturday evening, a small Chevrolet left the eastbound lane and collided with a westbound Kia Optima. The original contact occurred about one-quarter mile west of the Route 22 / 7 intersection (Stewarts) and just east of the parking area along Route 7. The Chevy continued on the north side of the road, intermittently contacting the guard rails. The vehicle finally came to rest in the eastbound lane 120 yards past the initial contact point. [Read more…] about Vehicles Collide In Tibbets Forest
Berlin July 4th Annual Independence Day Parade
For a celebration all about community spirit and tradition, join the festivities as the Berlin July 4th Parade Committee hosts the annual Independence Day Parade, with the theme, “Tall Tales”. The parade is set for Saturday, July 4 at 11 am. [Read more…] about Berlin July 4th Annual Independence Day Parade
Arlie Greene Chosen Grand Marshal Of Berlin 2015 July 4th Parade
by Jean Barber and Luella Osterhout
Arlie Greene, 95, has lived in Berlin his entire life. This Saturday, he will be honored as grand marshal in the Berlin July 4th Parade. Arlie will enjoy the parade from his seat in a 1950 Willys Jeepster Convertible, owned and driven by local resident, John Kellar. The annual parade is set for July 4th at 11 am.
Greene was born in 1919 on the family farm, [Read more…] about Arlie Greene Chosen Grand Marshal Of Berlin 2015 July 4th Parade
New Life For An Old Building
by Bea Peterson
Like a long sleeping benevolent dragon, the old St. Mary’s Academy is slowly lifting its head, spreading its imaginary wings and coming back to life. That new life is being created by Capital District entrepreneur and realtor Jasen Von Guinness. [Read more…] about New Life For An Old Building
New York State Parks And HooRWA Present Historic Interpretation At The Bennington Battlefield
Partnering with the New York State Parks, the Hoosic Rivershed Watershed Association (HooRWA) is offering an opportunity to experience the history of this pivotal site, [Read more…] about New York State Parks And HooRWA Present Historic Interpretation At The Bennington Battlefield