submitted by Rich Crist
The Rensselaer County Legislature and the County Environmental Management Council will team up to sponsor a spring electronics recycling day next month, Chair of the Legislature Stan Brownell announced. [Read more…] about RC Legislature To Sponsor Spring Electronics Recycling Event On April 23
Rensselaer County
“Keep It Growing!” Is The Theme Of The Updated Agricultural And Farmland Protection Plan For Rensselaer County
By Doug La Rocque
A public hearing was held last week at the Brunswick Community Center for those interested in the updated plan to develop strategies to preserve, support and enhance Rensselaer County’s agricultural industry and resources. Attended by many in the farming community, representatives of the County’s Economic Development And Planning Department pointed out that in 2012 farmers paid over $5 million dollars in property taxes, employed hundreds of full and part time workers, and produced nearly 53 million dollars in farm sales. [Read more…] about “Keep It Growing!” Is The Theme Of The Updated Agricultural And Farmland Protection Plan For Rensselaer County
Upcoming Events At Grafton Lakes State Park
Saturday, April 2 – Four Legged Friends Hike at 10 am. Will your pup find the first flowers of Spring? Join us to find out what’s new in the park and meet some new dog pals for your pup. Meets at north end of main playground and will head out on a 2 mile hike. All dogs must be on a 6’ leash. Please rsvp: 279-1155. [Read more…] about Upcoming Events At Grafton Lakes State Park
“Local Roads Matter” Is The Theme Of Highway Superintendents Annual March On The Capital
By Doug La Rocque
More than 700 local highway superintendents and their supporters gathered in the State capital in their quest for more Consolidated Highway Improvement Program funds (CHIPs) and bridge repair monies. This gathering has become an annual event. [Read more…] about “Local Roads Matter” Is The Theme Of Highway Superintendents Annual March On The Capital
Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen Jimino’s State Of The County Address Highlights Cost Savings And Slams State Mandates
By Doug La Rocque
As she has in years past, County Executive Jimino is taking New York State to task for what she labels as a frightening growth pattern of state mandates. [Read more…] about Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen Jimino’s State Of The County Address Highlights Cost Savings And Slams State Mandates
Rensselaer County To Undertake Collaborative Solar Initiative
Eleven local governments joined in the collaboration will achieve $22.5 million in collective savings during the 25-year contract
As part of the continued effort to increase the use of “green” energy and reduce the costs of operations the County is seeking to enter into a contract with Monolith Solar for remote net metering energy services. [Read more…] about Rensselaer County To Undertake Collaborative Solar Initiative
Rensselaer County Is Granted Intervenor Status In Permitting Of Kinder Morgan Pipeline
A motion requesting “intervenor” status in the FERC review of the Kinder Morgan pipeline, filed by Rensselaer County in late January, has been granted. This makes the County a recognized part of the review process that will lead to a decision to permit construction of the pipeline or not, or to permit it with restrictions or conditions. [Read more…] about Rensselaer County Is Granted Intervenor Status In Permitting Of Kinder Morgan Pipeline
Farmland Protection Grant Workshops Offered To Local Farmers
Four upcoming informational sessions, free and open to the public, are being held so that local farmers may learn more about the state Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) grants. The workshops will discuss the parameters of the state program so farmers can determine whether it might be suitable for their farms and how to apply for funding. [Read more…] about Farmland Protection Grant Workshops Offered To Local Farmers
Jimino Urges You To Get A Flu Shot
Flu shots are available to residents of all ages during normal clinic hours of Tuesday 2-4 pm and Thursday 9 to 11 am. For further information about vaccinations available at the County Health Department please call (518) 270-2655 or visit them online at [Read more…] about Jimino Urges You To Get A Flu Shot
Legislators Call for New Round Of FERC Hearings After The List Of Compressor Station Sites Expands to Nine
submitted by Rich Crist
Members of the Rensselaer County Legislature said a new round of hearings should be scheduled and review of the proposed Kinder Morgan, Northeast Energy Direct pipeline be halted after the list of possible compressor station host sites was expanded. [Read more…] about Legislators Call for New Round Of FERC Hearings After The List Of Compressor Station Sites Expands to Nine