To the Editor:
Because of the continuing misconduct by New Lebanon government officials, I sent the following letter to Mr. Steigman in the New York State Attorney General’s Office on Friday, March 30.
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Letters & Comments
Letter To The Editor – Some Hard Feelings
To the Editor:
I would like to thank New Lebanon Fire Chief Bud Godfroy and the LVPA for assisting with the tragic accident that occurred at my home on March 24th. Oh wait…you didn’t. Had you responded, your snide comments to the injured parties about the accident being “interesting” or your comrades’ questioning my family if there was under-age drinking, would have been put to rest.
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Letter To The Editor – A Letter From The Hoosick Supervisor
Dear Concerned Citizen:
I greatly appreciate you reaching out to various members of the Board for their thoughts on taking possession of the Armory. Personally my love for the building is enormous, the architectural layout of the building to start with is one of a kind. The building almost has a magical feel to it, kind of like when you were a kid and held this firm belief that one day you would own your own castle. Of course that day never comes……. [Read more…] about Letter To The Editor – A Letter From The Hoosick Supervisor
Letter To The Editor – A Hidden Agenda?
To the Editor:
I was dismayed to read your account of the Hoosick Town Council meeting held on February 29. Apparently, the Council voted to suspend the process of hiring an engineering/architectural firm to study the cost of keeping the Armory as the Town Hall, versus building a new building. This action was taken based on the unexplained advice of the absent Town lawyer, despite clear evidence that the Request for Proposal process was completely legal and untainted.
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Letter To The Editor – When A Dollar Could Cost Millions
To the Editor:
After months of investigation and fact finding about the Hoosick Falls Armory I am compelled to bring forth my finds and concerns.
As you [the public] know, a concerned group of Town residents have signed their 300 plus names on a form stating they want the Town offices to stay in the Armory. At several meetings a group of up to 70 at times, has voiced their wants and desires on the subject. [Read more…] about Letter To The Editor – When A Dollar Could Cost Millions
Letter To The Editor – Wake Up Hoosick!
To the Editor:
The Councilman’s [Patire] opinions may not be based on facts. Is anybody really buying Bruce Patire’s story that he is acting in the best interest of the taxpayers? It seems Mr. Patire left something out of his letter to the Editor. (The letter appeared in area newspapers earlier this week.) He mentioned that he attended a [Town] Board meeting but failed to mention that he (after he was elected to the Board) explained why he thought the best option for the Town was to have the Town purchase the Patire used car dealership on Main Street in Hoosick Falls.
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Letter To The Editor – Held Hostage
To the Editor:
I think it’s time to put a limit on the length of letters to the editor.
I do not pay $30 a year to be held hostage by a few disgruntled individuals.
Jane Fitzgerald
Park Avenue, Berlin
Editor’s Note: We were going to wait to publish this letter received last fall until some long letters were to be published, but it seems appropriate to publish it now.
Letter To The Editor – The Tradition Is Strong
To the Editor:
This is written in hopes of acclaiming the accomplishments of the wrestlers of Hoosick Falls. It has been many years since the Panthers have claimed the League and Class Sectional crowns. As one of many who had grown up watching and eventually participating in the strong tradition of one of the toughest, most unforgiving and relentless of sports, I feel a great measure of pride and nostalgia, as do all the alumni of HFCS wrestling as we enjoy the fruits of the labor of the young men who continue to compete on the mats this year.
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Letter To The Editor – Thanks For Being There
Dear Editor,
While driving on Route 22 from Berlin to Bennington on Saturday afternoon, the last day of 2011, I came to North Petersburgh and saw the troubling sight of fire engines and emergency vehicles. Driving past the scene, I saw that a residence had been ravaged by fire.
I went slowly past, hoping those whose home had been damaged would themselves be safe. On my left, walking along the road, perhaps heading to his home nearby, was a fireman, weary and sweaty, carrying his helmet and gear.
I slowed and called to him: “Is everybody okay?”
He smiled, saying, “Perfect.”
And then he said: “Thanks for asking.”
I drove on, soon realizing that he had just thanked me, when I was the one who should have thanked him – him and all the volunteers, firefighters, their auxiliaries and the emergency squads – thanked them for what they had done that day and for what they do on so many days throughout the year.
By then it was too late to say anything to him, however. I was too far down the road to stop and say what I should have said right away.
So, for all of us who want to say it to all of them – thank you for being there when we need you most.
Stuart Murray
269 Green Hollow Road, Berlin
Letter To The Editor – In Awe
Dear Sir,
I am in awe of the number of people in this community who went out of their way using their time and finances to do for others during these past few months. I am not even aware of all of the different organizations that participated in bringing joy and financial relief to many of the families in our area. I would like to list them but am afraid that I would leave some out. I do know that there are school employees and many churches in the surrounding communities that collected money and items and distributed them where needed most.
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