Meets Mondays, 6-9 pm at Brittonkill School, Tuesdays, 6:30-9 pm, Hoosick Falls Central School. Summer months: Brunswick Country Club. Beginner class every September in Hoosick Falls, open to anyone 8 years of age and up. For information, call Linda Schroeder, 674-2943
Knights of Columbus
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:30 pm, Immaculate Conception Church, Hoosick FalIs. For information, call 686-5064.
Hoosick Area Church Association (HACA)
A community-wide Christian organization which operates the food pantry and sponsors community events such as Thanksgiving services, Christmas baskets, Good Friday walks. Members also offer free tax preparation to low income households. For information write P.O. Box 1, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090 or contact Diane Hosterman 686-5310.
Colonial Lamp Shoppe
Lamps, parts, oil lamps – electric & kerosene, new and antique. Shades – glass & fabric
Baker Agency, Inc.
An Independent Insurance Agency.
Where the best service and great rates make the difference.
Home, Auto, Business, Farm, RV, Life, Health.
HL Fuel Co., Inc.
Eagle Energy
Heating Oil, Kerosene, Diesel, Bio-Fuel. Full service department.
Doug’s Oil, Inc.
Carlton Coon Heating & Plumbing
Proudly serving the area for over 24 years.
New installations & upgrades. All types of heating units installed. Service & repairs – all makes. Propane gas delivered, bottle & bulk. Rinnai continuous flow hot water. Peerless & Buderus boilers. Radiant heat our specialty.
Trained Personnel fully licensed and insured. 24 hour emergency service.