by Denise Wright
The October 21st Petersburgh Town Board meeting began with the approval of minutes from the September 16th and 30th meetings.
During the department reports town supervisor Noeding reported the dump truck the town has ordered is in but that they are waiting for a box to go on the vehicle. The hope is to have the truck in service by the end of the year. Noeding stated that the town's sales tax is running approximately 5% more than last year. He also reported that there will be a new key fob security system at the town hall. Anyone who has had keys to the town hall will be expected to turn them in but the process on how this will happen is still in the works. The next payment for the pumphouse project will be due and should be completed soon. The highway department reported that the trucks are being prepared for winter. The security lights and CO detection system have also been installed in the highway garage. According to the water department, the lead line survey had to be submitted to the state by October 16th; the town submitted the survey by October 1st. Approximately five areas in the town were noted and will need to be addressed.
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