by Denise Wright
The September 16th meeting of the Petersburgh Town Board was a busy evening of appointments and approvals.
After the board approved the prior meeting minutes, the department reports were given. The town supervisor noted during his report that after reviewing data, the town should come under budget for this year. He said the town should be able to fulfill all financial obligations with the water district. The first payment for the addition to the water district building was approximately $132,000. The basic structure of the pump house has been completed. Several items from the year's projected plan, including the key fob system at the town hall, will be installed at the end of this month and the beginning of October. There is hope that the oil tanks at the PVMCC will be replaced. A tentative budget should be completed sometime next week, and then board budget workshops should begin at the end of the month. The budget workshops will take place on October 7th and 14th.
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