by Denise Wright
Even with Supervisor PJ Roder on vacation, the Stephentown Town Board was working hard at a brief meeting on February 20th. The board approved bills from the General account totaling approximately $19,000 and claims over $38,000 from the highway account with an overall total of $57,854.98.
After approving the minutes from the January 16th meeting, the Town Clerk and the Justice Court reported that they turned over funds to the town accordingly. The transfer station said that, typically, December is a slow month but did deposit $5,206. The paint can program is in effect, and residents may clean out their garages and bring their cans to the station. The only requirement is that paint cans be in sealed cans labeled as paint. No cleaning materials, such as mineral spirits, are accepted. Residents are reminded that it is mud season, so please be careful at the transfer station. While the 2022 year ended with a small deficit of $1,000, the hope is that more residents will take advantage of the transfer station in the upcoming year.
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