By Denise Wright
Several requests for proposals for lawn care and the Town Hall roof replacement were approved at the March 20th Petersburgh Town Board, along with discussion about some upcoming events and projects in the town.
Councilman Noeding updated members about the Routes 2 and 22 Bridge project. Since the permit was approved, the next goal will be the utility work. The hope is to move the wires underground. The project should begin in spring, and Noeding asked them to come to the next meeting to present a summary of the project, but he is awaiting confirmation.
Noeding also discussed that the judge has yet to decide on the water district issue. The Environmental Protection Agency has recently publicized new limits on PFAs as four parts per trillion and is open for public comment. Noeding still feels this level is too high and believes the town should voice its concern to the state. There was a confirmation from Aquastore that the repairs on the water tower will be able to be delayed until
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