Submitted by the Petersburgh C8 (PFAS) Group
On March 14th, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued new rules for the regulation of the toxic chemicals PFOA/PFAS that are affecting the health of people in our communities. Although still in the proposal stage, it is expected that they will become law. The Petersburgh C8 (PFAS) Group applauds this news because it puts more pressure on polluters to stop releasing toxins into our drinking water and helps protect our health.
Currently in New York State, water is considered safe to drink and is not regulated if the level of PFOA/PFAS is below 10 parts per trillion (ppt). But many studies have shown that extremely low levels of these chemicals—anything above zero—can cause health problems. The EPA now says that PFOA/PFAS must be removed from drinking water if the level is above 4 ppt. This is important news for Petersburgh as well as many other communities in our state and the rest of the country.
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