by Chris Tergliafera
The Grafton Highway Department will be seeing some much needed upgrades, with potentially more on the way. At the Monday, February 13th regular meeting of the town board, two resolutions were passed approving the purchase of previously used, but far newer equipment than what the department is currently using. Resolution 33 approved the purchase of a 2012 roller for $33.343, to replace the current unit, which is from 1974. Resolution 36 approved the purchase of a Buffalo Turbine Mega Blower for $13,695, replacing the current blower that is also from the 1970’s. Highway Department Supervisor Jarod Bouchard explained that the upgrades have been a long time coming, as the current machinery is so old, if a replacement part is needed, it has to be made in house, which is extremely time consuming, and cuts into time that could be used for other department duties.
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