By Denise Wright
The October 17 meeting of the Stephentown Board focused on many community-driven activities.
After the public hearing on the solar moratorium, the Board paid the minutes and bills. The presenter mentioned during the transfer station report that the paint care program has been running smoothly. Four new paint can storage containers have been placed at the station; however, the goal will be to reduce down to two storage containers. In the future, there will be some examination of how to increase revenue at the transfer station.
Resolutions about fall cleanup bids and extending service between the Eastern Rensselaer County Solid Waste Management Authority and the Town of Stephentown were approved. The approval of the resolution for the solar moratorium will involve the construction of new commercial solar energy facilities. The Town has assembled a committee of Board members and residents with engineering and construction experience. The committee’s purpose will be to have site visits and examine the impact of laws on commercial solar projects in the Town.
The Town received a letter from the New York State Department of Transportation in response to an August 12, 2020 Town request to attain speed limit signs for some of the Town roads that have been approved. The signs are now a step forward with a speed limit to enforce. Andrews Lane between County Route 27-28 has been approved for 35 mph; Losty Road between Presbyterian Hill and Sutherland for 40 mph; Tom Titus Road between Route 27-Wemple will be 35; and Sutherland Road between County Route 26 and Route 43 will be 40 mph. The goal over the next few months will be to prepare to enforce the limit in Town.
A veterans day celebration has been set for Saturday, November 12, at 11 am in the park. Coffee and doughnuts will be served after the celebration. The library was happy to report that they plan on a Town Halloween celebration on October 29 from 2 to 4 pm. At 3 pm, there will be a costume contest, and at 4 pm, it will conclude with a trunk or treat. They also plan to have their annual Jack-O’-Lantern display. Residents are asked to bring their carved pumpkins back the day before Halloween.
Finally, the Board finalized the budget information. The Board disclosed that they have successfully constructed a budget under the two percent tax cap. A special Town Board meeting on the budget for November 14, at 7 pm has been scheduled. The budget will need to be finalized by November 20.