by Doug La Rocque
Take a walk on Classic Street by Bistro 42 (not their problem) and on the sidewalk there is a mess and considered by many to be dangerous. All year long the Hoosick Falls Board of Trustees has been discussing what to do about it and at their June meeting asked Village Attorney Andy Gilchrist to look into taking the land by eminent domain. The Catch-22 here is that Village Codes talk about unsafe structures being covered by such action, but not necessarily sidewalks. To make sidewalks part of a legal eminent domain proceeding would mean the Trustees would have to change a 2008 local law. Attorney Gilchrist presented the Board with a new law to consider, and introduction of which will most likely occur at a special meeting on July 19. Mr. Gilchrist also explained they need to decide if they just want to take the land around the sidewalk or the entire site, and what would they do with the site after the sidewalk is repaired. All points to ponder.
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