Submitted by BCS Communications
On Wednesday, June 22, the Berlin Elementary School (BES) Kindergarten Mountaineers celebrated their Moving Up Ceremony. Kindergarten families were invited to the front lawn of BES to celebrate the achievements of the young students. The class of 2034 were given shirts to grow into, donated by the BES PTO.
Just two days later on Friday, June 24, the Mountaineer 5th graders celebrated their own Moving Up Ceremony, and will be heading to Berlin Middle School when the 2022-2023 year begins.
Last but certainly not least, on Tuesday, June 14, the 8th grade mountaineers recognized the end of their time in middle school and celebrated moving on to Berlin High School.
Congratulations to the classes of 2026, 2029 and 2034!
To see albums from all three events, as well as a list of awards and academic achievements, please visit