by Doug La Rocque
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced that Oak-Mitsui Technologies LLC (Oak), the owner of the property, will be executing the environmental cleanup work at the 80 First Street Site in the Village of Hoosick Falls. Their press release says the environmental cleanup action will be performed as an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) under NY’s State Superfund Program and the provisions of an Order on Consent established between Oak and DEC. An IRM is a cleanup activity that may be implemented when the source of contamination or exposure pathway can be effectively addressed in the short term. The objective of this IRM is to prevent contact with residual levels of contamination in the soil.
Highlights and Key Components of the IRM:
• Installation of a 2 foot thick cover system that consists of a 6 inch gravel underdrain placed directly over existing asphalt or concrete foundations and 18 inches of soil cover over the gravel underdrain.
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