By Steve Bradley
On Saturday, a driver lost control just below the hikers parking lot at the crest of Petersburg Pass (Route 2).
It drifted from the westbound lane into the eastbound lane. In the eastbound lane, according to a witness, it clipped the rear of a car, dropping the bike to the pavement where it slid down the road until it came to a rest under the guard rail.

The biker was with a group that had started out on a fund raising ride for wounded veterans that originated in Lansingburg, NY. From there they went up NY 7 to Bennington, down VT 7 through Williamstown and were headed back west to Route 22 when the accident occurred. There were about 20 bikes on the ride.
The driver was not seriously injured, although he was removed from the scene by the Petersburgh Rescue Squad for observation. Phil’s Automotive of Troy removed the vehicle.