By Thaddeus Flint with Doug La Rocque
The music festival held June 7 through 10 resulted in large-scale drug arrests and one death. But only one person showed up at the Town Board meeting Monday, June 18, to complain. She said her windows were shaking from the loud music and “police were all over town pulling people over and looking for drugs.” That prompted Town Supervisor Larry Eckhardt to say he saw so many cars pulled over and their contents spread out on the shoulder of the road, “it looked like we were having a yard sale.”

Photo by Katie Gallucci
Neil Gardner owns the grounds the festival took place on. He said he was told by law enforcement that there were over 200 arrests total throughout the area, including neighboring towns, a fact confirmed to The Eastwick Press by the New York State Police. Supervisor Eckhardt said Stephentown itself had about 50 arrests, which he indicated placed “a large burden on our court system.” Mr. Eckhardt also noted he was glad people came and had a good time, and spent money in the town, but if you are coming to come sell illegal drugs in Stephentown and get caught,”well, boo-hoo. Boo-hoo on you.”
Mr. Gardner told the board he was aware of only one medical transport, a young woman who had an appendix issue. He called the death,”unfortunate.” He said the man, a 35-year old resident of New Jersey, according to Troopers, died from “drinking a bottle of Scotch when he got there, and then had an aneurysm.
Troopers tell The Eastwick Press, their investigation into the death is ongoing, but believed it to be drug related.
Councilman Gerald Robinson attended the event and reported that from what he saw, “everything was in order.” Supervisor Eckhardt said the only complaints he received came on Thursday night. While the concert music did stop at midnight, the music in the parking lots continued for a while until the promoters could find and shut them down as well. Yet another music festival, Fractal Fest, is slated for July 12 through the 15. Last year’s event resulted in 19 drug related arrests.