Submitted by David Theriault
The Berlin Parade Committee welcomes entries for floats highlighting American inventors, past, present and future. Pay tribute to the great inventive minds of our country such as Benjamin Franklin (Franklin Stove) ,Thomas Edison (Phonograph) and Robert Fulton (Steamboat).
And don’t forget the lesser known inventors responsible for countless innovations that changed the way we live.
People like William Mcreavy who patented the jackhammer, Lucien Smith who invented barbed wire and John Pemberton, the man responsible for the development of Coca Cola, originally intended as a patent medicine.
Or how about crazy inventions like the Big Belly, a solar powered trash compacting bin. Or Silly Putty, or the craziest invention of them all, Krazy Glue, it sticks to everything it comes in contact with.
Prizes will be awarded for Best Themed float, Funniest and Prettiest, as well as Business and Fire Company categories. Entry forms are available by calling Anne at 518-658-2633 or Liz at 518-658-3355, and on the Town of Berlin website.
The parade kicks off at 11 am on Wednesday, July 4.