Tuesday, March 21, 1843: Today I and my son Geo P. went up what is called Goodrich Hollow in Hancock to Vendue at the place of the late residence of Deacon Justice Goodrich. I bought large stantions at 45 cents, a pitch fork four cents and two chisels 20 cts and my son Geo P bid off a spear four cts and the whole I paid cash which was 73 cts.
Wednesday: Today I went to Schuyler Bouten Vendue, his property was sold at Sheriff’s sale. He lives at the north part of the town on what is called the Babcock Farm owned by Wm. Smith. I did not buy anything. I walked, but I got some rides.
Thursday: Today and night it snowed and quite a steady snow storm.
Friday: I shoveled snow on the highway and fetched my half of ax helves from Russel Palmer’s, eleven of them and towards night I walked to the widow Morey’s and I cut some quince grafts.
Monday: Today I rode over to Manuel Buten and got a hemlock strengthening plaster for my wife to put on her back for weakness, the plaster made of hemlock boughs boiled and boiled down thick. I rode to brother Simeon Wylie’s and got a small piece of leather sheepskin to spread said plaster on and today we chopped and split wood to the door.
Tuesday: Today a snow and rain and blow storm, we only tended to chores.
Thursday: This forenoon I shoveled snow on the highway and this afternoon we chopped and split wood to the door.
Friday: This afternoon I rode up to Nicholas Gardner’s and paid up for all rearages that is postages for all letters, newspapers, and for the Boston Universalist and Ladies Repository paid up to the first of April and still I am entitled to one Repository after the first of April. The whole sum I paid was one dollar and eighty nine cents.
Tuesday: Today I took my oldest daughter Charlotte into my cutter and carried her to Guy Moffitt’s on a visit. On the way we called to Mr. Stephen Van Rensselaer Jolls and carried Abba, his daughter, with us to said Moffitt’s and then I rode to town meeting to Hiram W. Brown’s. The Democratic ticket was elected, all but Henry Platt was elected for town clerk, Whig, and I returned home with Guy Moffitt and took tea and took my daughter and returned home.