Submitted by Rich Crist
It’s a program to bring county government into communities in 2018 and serve as a resource fair that provides residents access and a greater understanding about the operation and function of county government.
“The RensCo on the Road Resource Fair will showcase county government and show the services, programs and functions provided on behalf of our residents. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about county government in a convenient and relaxed setting,” said McLaughlin.
The first RensCo on the Road was held on Tuesday, March 6 at the Brunswick Community Center.
Participating in the events will be service providers including Department of Aging, Department of Social Services, Employment and Training, Health Department, Probation Department, Veterans Service Agency, Youth Department and other services and departments.
McLaughlin had promised to establish the RensCo on the Road resource fairs when seeking the office of County Executive last year. Other RensCo on the roads will be scheduled later in 2018.
The RensCo on the Road program is part of an initiative by McLaughlin to bring county government closer to the people.
As County Executive, McLaughlin has also launched new social media sites to provide information and updates on county government.
“Residents are busy and have demanding schedules. We want to do everything we can to make county government more accessible, open and responsive to the people we serve.
The RensCo on the Road Resource Fair is one way to accomplish that goal,” said McLaughlin.