George and his wife are returning from a trip to the West on the Erie Canal. They have just arrived in Schenectady. She is not well.
Wednesday, October 5, 1842: At six o’clock this morning we left the packet. We went to the City Hotel and I paid for my wife a cup of coffee 19 cts and six cts for her a bowl of oysters. I called to a grocery, paid 4 cts for self cake. We left Schenectady at seven o’clock this morning. We took a line boat Capt. Wagoner, our passage to Troy 50 cts and arrived in Troy at dusk. On the passage through the day I paid thirteen cts for rum, beer and cake. Tonight we walked up to the foot of Congress Street and stayed to Wm Chapman’s.
Thursday: This morning early I walked from Troy to Brunswick four miles to James Bush’s and took breakfast and then said Bush took his team and carried me and I returned to Troy to Wm Chapman’s where my wife was. I gave his wife 50 cts for our trouble and paid her 37 cts for a part of a bottle of Doctor Moses Syrup of Petersburgh, and I paid said Chapman 25 cts for one bottle of muskat wine for my wife. We then rode home with Mr. James Bush and after dinner I walked home. I got home at eight o’clock this evening. On the way I called to Daniel Allen’s and paid four cts for cake and beer.
Friday: Today I returned to Brunswick with my team and my youngest daughter Sarah with me. We took dinner to said Bush’s and then I took my wife and came on to Rufus Withees and stayed at Sand Lake.
Saturday: Today we came home from Sand Lake. On the way we called and paid 50 cts for a box of Gregory’s cough pills and we called to cousin Chauncy Rows and took dinner. We got home nearly sunset. My wife was tired out and feeble.
Sunday: My wife is quite unwell. Tonight Daniel Sackett stayed with us.
Tuesday: Today I went to Pittsfield with my one horse team and carried about 14 bushels of apples and sold them at 25 & 31 cts per.
Sunday: My wife continues quite feeble, and today I walked up to see old Mr. Zack Chapman.
Friday: On this evening I had a letter from Troy from D.L. Seymour to call and settle the note I signed the 5th February in 1838 of 200 dollars together with Samuel Holcomb, Nathan Howard and Nathan Howard, Jnr. I had not received any profit for signing nor any value.
Saturday: I rode up to Squ Nathan Howard to see if he would do anything to settle the before-mentioned note. I did not get any direct answer from him, and then I rode to Berlin and saw Squ Lotridge. He told me to pay the note for it was collectable of me. I paid him 44 cts and returned to the widow Charity Varys and she agreed to get the note from Troy and pay what expense that had been made on said note and I agreed to come next Saturday and give my note for the old joint note and Ladieu Vary rode up to Simon Cranston’s with me and said Cranston agreed to have the note from Troy by next Saturday and I returned home.
Sunday, October 23: I walked to Canaan and paid Doctor Wilcox fifty cts for medicine for my wife. Said Wilcox doctors after the Tomsonian plan, he lives 2 miles southwest of Canaan Corners
Monday: I took my single wagon and rode to the widow Verona Holcomb to move the property I have the mortgage of, but I was advised to not move it at present. I then rode to Caleb Chapman the Town Clerk and got the mortgage and carried it to Berlin to Squ Lotridge and he told me my mortgage was sufficient to sell the property that I hold against Samuel Holcomb deceased and others, and said Lotridge drew me an advertisement and I paid him 25 cts. I then returned home at eleven o’clock this evening.