Krahforst Named Water District 2 Supervisor
By Doug LaRocque
Last fall long time Water District 2 Supervisor Jim Winn told the Berlin Town Board he no longer wished to continue in that capacity. Thus began the search for a successor. At the Thursday, January 11 meeting, the Board named Benedikt Krahforst as his replacement. He is also the Water District Supervisor for the Town of Petersburgh, thusly possesses all the required licenses and plenty of experience. The position pays $10,000 a year and $35 an hour for time spent above normal duties.
Water became a problem during the snowstorm on January 4 when a valve on the line along the Park Street Bridge failed, creating a leak that sent water flowing and freezing about the area. After several hours of diligent work, in adverse conditions, the situation was corrected.
Also briefly discussed at the meeting were preparations that need to be made to file for a state grant in June for money to construct a water tower. New York State has declared the water in the town’s backup reservoir to be non-potable and expressed concerns about the check valve on the system that prevents water from the reservoir from backing up into the village’s water supply. To this end, the town plans discussions with Cedarwood Engineering of Warrensburg, NY to discuss the situation and how the firm may be able to help the town obtain the grant. Cedarwood is already working with the Town of Petersburgh.
Other Business
In an otherwise brief meeting, the Board approved year end transfers to balance the 2017 books, passed the standard workday resolution, agreed to put out the annual bid for the Highway Department’s Sand and Gravel use, scheduled the Justice audit for the January 25 workshop and set the water rent schedule. Dog Control Officer Doug Goodermote noted he had a recent Agriculture and Markets inspection. He reported only a few minor issues that needed correction. He also indicated the highlight of his calls in December involved rescuing a dog trapped in a car. Building and Codes Enforcement Officer Allen Yerton indicated all requirements have been met by the Dollar General store on Route 22, and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Board went into Executive Session for a personnel matter before adjourning for the night.