When former County Executive Kathy Jimino announced last summer she would not seek another term, two Republicans announced their candidacy to replace her. Chris Meyer, who served as Ms. Jimimo’s Deputy and area Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin. Later in the election season, Andrea Smyth claimed the Democratic Party nomination.
Mr. McLaughlin went on to win a close primary battle with Mr. Meyers and then an even closer and often contentious general election against Ms. Smyth. On Monday, January 1, he was officially sworn in as Rensselaer County’s newest County Executive in ceremonies held at the County Courthouse. Afterword, he described the whole thing as a little surreal and picked up former County Executive Jimino’s mantra that New York State unfunded mandates are killing the county.
Earlier this week, Mr. McLaughlin tabbed County Budget Director Stacey Farrar to serve as his Deputy County Executive. In his press release, he said “Stacey has a great understanding of county government, particularly county finances and budgetary issues, and will be a great and valuable part of our team moving forward in 2018.” Ms. Farrar will continue to serve as Budget Director. As Budget Director in the Jimino administration, she was credited with formulating seven consecutive budgets under the state tax cap.
According to the County Charter, the Deputy County Executive can act on behalf of the County Executive when the County Executive is out of town or for some reason unable to carry out official duties. The appointment of Farrar is subject to confirmation by the County Legislature, and is expected to be considered by them later this month.
Also sworn in during the New Year’s Day ceremonies were Rensselaer County Legislators Jeff Wysocki and Bruce Patire, representing the eastern towns in the county, along with Ken Herrington, Todd Tesman and Dan Casale, representing Brunswick/Pittstown.