It is not an official town board meeting, but there will be an informational session on the proposed Northeast Renewable Link (NRL). NRL is a 23 miles transmission line proposed by National Grid, that runs from a substation in Nassau, through Stephentown and into Massachusetts, including the Town of Hancock. A National Grid spokesman says their goal is to deliver clean-generated energy, most from existing wind turbines and some hydroelectric sources in upstate New York.
The new 600-megawatt line is proposed to run along existing line, but some property easements will be required due to expansion. The company says it will be up to the effected property owners if they wise to grant these easements in return for payment. If not, ways around them will have to be worked out. For some, its not so positive however. They worry about their property values. Other have expressed their concerns about the landscape, nature and hunting.
The meeting with NRL Officials will be held Wednesday, October 25 at the Town Hall in Stephentown from 6 to 8 pm.