Approves 4 Lot Subdivision With A Contingency
By Doug La Rocque
In June, Sigmund Knorowski presented the Board with a request to subdivide his 20 plus acres at 388 Stuffle St. into 4 lots, two on each side of the road. The parcels on the south side of the road each contain an existing homestead. The larger parcels on the north side of the road would remain vacant for such purposes as hunting or future sale. Rynard Gundrum Jr. spoke at the public hearing preceding the meeting. He wondered about the possibility of increased traffic on the road and its current condition. Gundrum Lumber recently sold 927 acres of land off the end of Stuffle St. near the Pittstown Forest, to the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance, who plans to promote portions of the land for public use. Board Chairman Tom Withcuskey indicated this was a non-deeded Town road, which means the Town owns the center of the roadway but does not have the usual right of way along the sides as it would a regularly owned Town road. He indicated the Town maintains the road to the best of its ability given this constraint. It also means that this road is technically for use only by the residents along the road. But since the RPA’s land is now accessible from Stuffle St. it may raise some questions as to who can actually use the road. The Board decided to grant the subdivision, with the contingency the user issue be legally clarified by Town Attorney Sal Ferlazzo.
Hearing no other business, the Board adjourned until its next scheduled meeting on Monday, August 21, at 7 pm.