By Doug La Rocque
Eastern Rensselaer County is replete with stories of military families over many generations – each stands out in its own way. [private]One such story is that of Kc and Ryan Gosse of Grafton. It was in 2015 that Kc, admittedly small in stature but not in heart, approached an Army National Guard Recruiter at Berlin High School one day, telling him she wanted to “join up.” Kc’s mother Laurie tells The Eastwick Press he sort of looked at her and indicated she should come back when she was a little older.
Not one to shy away from anything, Kc made it abundantly clear she was a senior in high school and dead serious. So it was, by the time Kc graduated she was a member of the Guard and headed into training to become part of the military police.
The story might end there, but two years later, younger brother Ryan has now also joined up and he too, in large part because of his sister’s urging and encouragement, is now preparing to join her unit as a military policeman. It is not really a surprise to Kc, who said they are as close as two siblings can be and describes their relationship with one another as best of friends. Both have been scholar athletes at Berlin High School and often the most vocal of supporters for one another at their various sporting events.
Ryan admits his older sister was a driving force in his decision to enlist. He also said, “it is a way for me to give back to my country and I am looking forward to the experience.” That experience come July, will mean ten weeks of boot camp, something Kc said her brother will excel at. Asked why she chose the MPs, she said, “because it is so challenging and I have always enjoyed proving I can do whatever I set my mind to.” Would she encourage other high school students to consider the military? Her answer is yes, if they have an interest, she thinks they would find it, “very fulfilling and satisfying. It goes a long way toward shaping a person as a responsible, well rounded and mature young adult.”
Asked as to her feelings about possible deployment overseas, Kc said her unit is not scheduled to deploy for another two years, but “I am looking forward to it.” As to be expected, it is not something her mother Laurie is looking toward to. She said, “I am bursting with pride for my children and my country, but like any mother, worried sick about them if deployed.” Both Kc and Ryan share the same pride for their parents and their support. Kc said her mom has helped them so much with their education, both in school and in life. She credits her dad Jeremy with being their backbone and helping so much in their desire to remain very physically fit.
As to what their futures hold, Kc is giving serious consideration to a full time military career, either with the military police or perhaps in the medical field. Ryan said he is keeping his options open for now. [/private]