submitted by Andrew Zlotnick
Several Scouts from Troop 222 volunteered at Hope United Methodist Church in Eagle Mills NY on February 5. Sunday February 5 is National Scout Sunday, when Scouts help to live the 12th point of the Scout Law – a scout is “Reverent.”[private] Adults and Scouts from Troop 222 greeted church goers, handed out Bibles and Hymnals for services Sunday, and helped out in any way they could. Anthony and his brother William read the readings during the service and William acted as the Acolyte.
Michael and his brother Joshua collected the offerings and presented them with Anthony during the services. After the service one of the adults in the troop, Wade Prather, committee chair and parent, helped to change a lightbulb that was difficult to change in the church – a scout is “Helpful.”
Boy Scout Troop 222 is a member of the newly renamed Scout District called the Yankee Doodle District in the Twin Rivers Council. Any parent or boys between the ages of 11 and 17 years old can join Boy Scouts by contacting Andy Zlotnick at 518-658-9066. [/private]