A group of local people who took part in the Womens March on Washington came back saying they were glad that they made the effort to go, said Virginia Skorupski, one of those who made the trip.
[private]Skorupsky said the experience of going to the event “really was uplifting.” There were crowds of people “in every direction,” and it was a very diverse crowd, people of every age, every race, and every economic status, and Skorupski’s experience was that everyone was helpful and polite. She said many who were there were attending a demonstration for the first time, and it had the feeling of a new birth of civic engagement.

Skorupsky said her group managed to end up in a spot where they could hear and see everything well, and she felt the speakers were inspiring.
The crowds were overwhelming – there was no room to move in any direction because it was wall to wall people. In fact, it was a physically taxing experience, as one had no choice but to stand in one place for about five hours.
A number of local people also attended the demonstration in Albany. [/private]