Town Supervisor Ingrid Gundrum opened the meeting by making her annual committee assignments, including the creation of two new committees for 2017. [private]Councilman Eric Buckley and Mike Crandall will serve on the Youth Committee, with Crandall being joined by Councilwoman Lisa Dooley on the new Veterans Committee. Mary Beth Wagar will become the new confidential secretary to the supervisor, and Maureen Seel was reappointed as the Town’s bookkeeper. Tom Withcuskey will again serve as Gundrum’s Deputy Supervisor. Patricia Niebuhr was re-appointed Town Historian.
The Town Board re-appointed Salvatore Ferlazzo as Town Attorney. Vicky Burdick takes over as Dog Control Officer and will continue as Deputy Town Clerk. Helen Hemendinger was re-appointed as Clerk to the Assessor, and Owen (Skip) Grandjean was appointed to another five-year term on the Planning Board. Tom Withcuskey will continue as the Planning Board Chairman and as Building Inspector/Codes Enforcement Officer. Beth Wagar was named the Planning Board Secretary. Erica Brock Douglas will become the new Town Court Clerk. Russ Reeves was named Town Engineer on an as-needed basis. Noelle Goyer was re-appointed as Youth Commission Director, and Elaine Snyder will continue as the Senior Citizens Representative. The Eastwick Press and The Troy Record were appointed the Town’s official newspapers.
The Board set the second Monday of each month at 7 pm as its meeting night. The new official mileage rate was set at 53.5 cents per mile. Pioneer Bank was named the official depository for the town. Petty Cash funds were also approved for the Town Clerk, Recycling Centre and the Town Justices. The amount Highway Superintendent Herb Hasbrouck is allowed to spend for tools, implements and the like, was set at $3,500. Superintendent Hasbrouck was also authorized to enter into a shared service agreement with Rensselaer County Highway Department and all other towns in the County. Amsure Insurance was named agent for the Town’s medical insurance policy. Any returned checks will now carry a $35 fee. The Board also authorized the payment of utility and insurance bills prior to audit, a standard practice for most towns. The Board announced it will set the new 2017 fee schedule at its regular January meeting Monday January 9.
Town Hall is open Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm, and other hours by appointment by calling 788-5100. The Town Clerk’s hours are Monday and Wednesday 4 to 6 pm and Saturdays 10 am to noon.[/private]