Some time over the weekend of January 21-22, someone dumped a large number of tires in the parking area for fishing access at the Tomhannock Reservoir. [private]Tim Holt, Sr., a member of the Rensselaer County Conservation Alliance, saw them there on Monday morning on his way to Bennington. He was upset to think that someone would do this, and concerned that an incident like this might jeopardize fishing privileges at the reservoir that the Conservation Alliance has worked hard to get and maintain. He resolved to get those tires out of there quickly.

On his way to Bennington, he stopped off to see Eric at the Hoosick Tire in Hoosick, and made arrangements to have Hoosick Tire pick them up and dispose of them properly. Hoosick Tire sent a truck out from its Cambridge, NY facility on Tuesday morning and picked up the 27 tires. Holt paid the $54 fee on behalf of the Rensselaer County Conservation Alliance. Hoosick Tire agreed to keep the tires available for inspection until a DEC Conservation Officer can look at them to see if he can find any clues there about who dumped them.
Holt called NYSDEC Environmental Conservation Officer Brian Canzeri and told him all the facts he knew about the situation, and Canzeri will do an investigation to try to find out who dumped the tires there. Canzeri said the area around the reservoir is a sensitive area and his agency patrols it and regularly gives tickets to anyone caught littering there. Canzeri said “this kind of investigation is what we do. We hope to find who is responsible.”
Holt, an avid outdoorsman who is also a member of the Pioneer Fish And Game Club, said the Rensselaer County Conservation Alliance tries to keep an eye on the fishing access at the Tomhannock Reservoir to make sure it is kept clean and treated with respect. [/private]