by Gail Smith
Some of the Town of Hoosick Veterans who frequent Coffee and Camaraderie visited the U.S.S. Slater on Wednesday, September 14. [private]The U.S.S. Slater DE766 is a Cannon class destroyer escort that served in the United States Navy during World War II. Many of the men who traveled with us served in the Navy, including 2 from World War II who were on destroyers, so touring the Slater brought back lots of memories and prompted interesting conversation. It was a very informative and enlightening tour, especially for those unfamiliar with a destroyer escort. Being on the ship gave us a much deeper appreciation for those in our numbers who had served, as we could envision them performing their duties as just young lads.
Following the tour, the group enjoyed lunch at the Riverfront Barge where more memories were shared.
Many thanks to Pastor Dale Hall for taking time out of his busy schedule to transport us in Hoosick Baptist’s van.
Coffee and Camaraderie is sponsored by Voice of a Vet and meets on Wednesdays from 9 to 10:30 at Hoosick Falls Community Alliance Church. Anyone who has served in the military in any capacity is invited to come and rub elbows with other vets and rehash memories from the past, from both your service years and local history.
The group will not meet on Wednesday, October 19, as it will be traveling to the Homefront Cafe in Altamont. There is not a surface at the Homefront that doesn’t boast some sort of World War II memorabilia. If you are a veteran and are interested in coming along, please contact Gail Smith at 686-9888 by October 14, so we can be sure to have enough transportation lined up. [/private]