Cindy Minkler, a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, dear friend, and lifelong community member, has been diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatments. [private]This fundraiser is to assist Cindy as she heroically battles her disease. The event will be held at the V.F.W. Hall in Grafton, NY, on Saturday, October 22nd from 2-7pm. Any donations at the door and during the event will be greatly appreciated! There will be live music by Cannonball Express from 3-5pm, as well as a pulled pork dinner, paper bag auction, 50/50 raffle, face painting, and other activities. Thank you in advance as we rally together in support for Cindy. Feel free to contact Brenda DeMagistris at 658-2209, Carrie Minkler at 275-2834, or Debbie Fredricks at 279-9233 with additional donations or questions.[/private]