By Doug La Rocque “I was very excited to see both schools open without any real problems at all. It was probably one of the smoothest openings we’ve seen in regards to transportation as well.” [private]It was with those words that Berlin Central School District Superintendent Dr. Stephan Young began his monthly report to the School Board meeting on Tuesday, September 20. Dr. Young went on to say “the enthusiasm level is very high this year at both the student and staff levels. If we can keep this energy level up until June it would be a great thing.”
Jr-Sr. High School Principal Cathie Allain told the Board the theme for this school year is “we are all in this together.” The school’s staff greeted the students on opening day with a “flash mop” song and dance to High School Musical’s presentation of the same name. The school district has seen its first increase in enrollment in a number of years – Dr. Young said the student population has increased from 721 last year to 776 this year.
New Steps To Keep The Drinking Water Safe The lingering concerns about PFOA levels in the drinking water was again one of the first items of discussion. Dr. Young announced that the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation showed up on opening day with a number of water coolers they placed around the Elementary School. The Superintendent credits State Senator Kathy Marchione, who he said was persistent with DEC to have the water coolers in place for this school year. At the time of the Board’s meeting, it was still not clear if DEC was going to place a water filtration system at the Elementary School or on the Berlin Water System itself. It was just two nights later that Berlin Supervisor Rob Jaeger announced DEC has informed him they will be placing the filters at the town’s pump station, with hopes the work on this would be started in October. The Board indicated at its meeting they were open to just such a decision. As far as the placement of filters directly at the school, Dr. Young said “I don’t think it’s necessary if the water coming in is already filtered by the Town of Berlin.” The Board also noted once again, that current water levels test at 11.5 parts per trillion, with the EPA setting the level for potential health risks at 70 ppt.
The superintendent also noted that all schools are now mandated to test for lead and copper contamination in the water. He said Berlin is already working with QUESTAR to have this accomplished, first at the Elementary School. He said if levels exceed state guidelines, the water fountains and outlets would have to be shut down and possibly re-plumbed without any copper or lead piping. Once the source of the contamination is identified and corrected, another level of testing is completed, and if satisfactory, the fountains could then be turned back on. A number of schools around the state have already gone down this road, including Voorheesville in Albany County.
Other items in the Superintendent’s report include plans to establish a Facebook page for the District. Dr. Young said “the idea is to be able to quickly communicate with the community.” He also talked about the upcoming Health and Wellness Fall Festival on October 15. This is in conjunction with a number of wellness organizations, and features a 5K run and walk. He took time as well to introduce the District’s new Director of Curriculum Instruction and Assessment, Fred Hutchinson.
Protecting The District’s Buses Board Member Jim Willis brought forth the idea of constructing a fence around the school’s bus parking lot on School Bus Way. Willis is concerned about the safety of the vehicles until such time as a new transportation facility is constructed. The buses are currently in an open lot and have been the subject of vandalism in the past. Board President Frank Zwack indicated it was certainly something that should be looked into. Other Board members suggested the District also look into the feasibility of temporary fencing.
Loss Of Before And After School Care Elementary School Principal Tracy Kent informed the Board that she was told by the operators of the program on the Friday before school was set to open, that they would not be returning this year. “Which you can imagine was devastating for a lot of our families who were relying on that care and had to very quickly make alternate arrangements.” Kent says however the former director of the Berlin site, Monica Mistakas, is looking to start her own program, and has already formed an LLC. She gave the Board a handout about the program and asked that they consider placing approval of such on their October agenda. Kent said she received a number of calls and e-mails from parents asking if the District would look into a replacement provider, and that the need is there for such.
In her report, Jr.-Sr. High School Principal Allain noted they are working with the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department for a distracted driver program for 11th and 12th graders, at no cost to the school. She also noted the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society will be working with the high school and middle school student councils to participate in the annual “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk in Albany on October 16. Allain said this is something they have been doing for many years and have even been honored for their consistent contribution to the cause.
2018 Student Trip To Europe Is Approved During the Public Comment session, the Board heard plans for the annual trip abroad, this time to Portugal and Spain. Reservations are being taken, with those that sign up by November 1, getting a $200 discount. This year about 40 students from Berlin and Schoharie High Schools ae traveling to Italy during the spring break. The trips are sponsored and organized by the group Education First out of Boston, that handles all the details and provides trip guides specific to the region they are visiting.
The Board of Education’s next meeting is set for Tuesday October 18 at 7:15 pm. The Board also announced they plan to hold their next round table discussion in November at the Elementary School instead of at the High School as usual.[/private]