By Doug La Rocque
Jane McDermott’s proposal to construct a post and beam banquet house called Greywacke Meadows is still stalled by environmental permits. [private]McDermott said while most of the site plans have been approved by various state and county agencies, the Department of Environmental Conservation’s insistence upon a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is the latest hurdle she must get over. McDermott said she has had to hire a separate engineering firm for this phase. Her present project engineer does not have the expertise for the job. The SWPPP concerns her proposed parking lot along 40 Dunham Road. This lot is slated to be constructed with crusher run (stone) and not paved.
Grafton Planning Board Chairman Tom Withcuskey told the rest of the Board he planned to meet this week with officials of the Rensselaer County Health Department and DEC as well as with McDermott, in hopes of pushing the project along with a possible vote on the site plan review application at the September meeting. McDermott said the delays are tough to deal with, but if the project is approved next month, she “is still within her timeline to have the banquet house open by next summer.”
With no other business, the Planning Board adjourned for the night. [/private]