By Doug La Rocque
Grafton Town Supervisor Ingrid Gundrum said she would take the blame for the Town Board failing to authorize payment in June for renewal of the software that runs the Town Court’s computer program and allows them to process their monthly reports. [private]The rest of the Board stated they all shared in the blame. The program was shut down for one day but quickly reinstated after a conversation between Supervisor Gundrum and the owner of Service Education Incorporated. The Board approved the voucher at Monday night’s meeting, and Gundrum indicated it could be moved to the category of re-occurring expenses since the Town is billed yearly for it. This allows the supervisor to have a check written before the Board audit, as it does with such bills as National Grid. Town Justice Becky Snyder-Greene addressed the Board indicating it was the third time this has occurred in her 15 years on the bench.
The handling of vouchers was recently criticized in a follow up audit by the New York State Office of the Comptroller. The original audit brought the problem to light, and the Town Board at the time responded with a plan to address the situation, but according to the Comptroller’s Office, it was never properly implemented. Councilwoman Lisa Dooley told The Eastwick Press they have written a new policy, but have had to revise it twice because of compatibility problems with the new software recently installed in the Town Clerk’s office. Dooley described it “as a work in progress” but said a trial run the last two weeks has gone well. She is hopeful the policy will be ready for Town Board approval and full implementation by the September meeting.
Grafton Agrees To Assume Ownership Of A Private Road
Attorney John Darling was present to ask the Board to go ahead with the takeover of Blueberry Ridge Road, which leads into the housing development owned by the estate of his late brother Ray Darling. The Planning Board approved the roadway in 2006, but problems and delays in bringing it up to specifications delayed any such town action. Planning Board Chairman Tom Withcuskey said the work has been completed and has the approval of Highway Superintendent Herb Hasbrouck. Withcuskey did ask the Board to place a contingency in its takeover resolution. He said that while the Rensselaer County Highway Department has verbally signed off on any line of site concerns, he would
like any final approval to require the County put this approval in writing. The line of site issue arose because Blueberry Ridge intersects with Old Road, which is County owned. The Board approved the resolution with the contingency included 4-0, with Councilman Mike Crandall absent. The Board also unanimously approved a resolution accepting a $2,000 grant from Rensselaer County to fund the Summer Youth Program.
Connie Alderman sent the Board an e-mail concerning the placement of campers by the Grafton Trail Riders on property that is adjacent to hers. She asked the Town to consider constructing a buffer between their lands because the campers were parked so close. Tom Withcuskey, who is also Codes Enforcement Officer, told the Board he visited the site and agreed the campers were an inconvenience and asked the Trail Riders to move to another portion of their property that also had electrical service. He said they have agreed and Supervisor Gundrum said if that solves the problem, there should be no need for a buffer.
Being summertime, many department heads are off on vacation, so there was no report this month from the Highway, Rescue Squad, Youth Commission, Dog Control Officer, the State Park or the Library. Building and Codes reported there are 49 building permits out to date, and that there has been progress on getting bank owned properties cleaned up. The Assessor reported he had been working on revisions to the tax roll made by the Board of Assessment Review and the Merry Makers invited anyone age 55 or older to join their group, which meets at the Everett Wagar Senior Center. Kathy Mason-Wagar, who administers the Summer Youth Program, told the Board it was once again a successful year with more than 30 participants. The program winds up this week.
John Darling offered his thanks to the Board, and especially the Highway Department for helping make last month’s Summer Festival “the best ever.” Tom Withcuskey also offered his thanks to all those who helped make last Saturday’s Family Fun Night such a success. Town Clerk Kathy Mason-Wagar reported income of $2,098.10 and the meeting was adjourned in memory of Dick Barrett, Thomas Bradt and Joan Gundrum.[/private]