Bog Exploration at Mud Lake Preserve–Saturday, July 9 at 10 am. The Rensselaer Land Trust’s Mud Lake Preserve in Sand Lake contains a classic kettlehole bog with a floating bog mat, surrounded by a spruce-tamarack swamp. [private]Ecologist Dr. David Hunt will show us the unusual plants living here, including insect-eating pitcher plants and sundews, and some plants rare in Rensselaer County. The walk will be short but wet and adventurous. Wear footwear you can get very wet. Charge $5, members free. Register with Nick Conrad, (518) 279-1963 or More info:
Workshop on Dam Removal in Troy–Saturday, July 9 from 9:30 am to 1 pm. The Rensselaer Land Trust and SUNY-ESF are offering a workshop on the impacts of dams in Hudson River tributaries, the benefits of removing dams to allow eels and herring to travel upstream, and the public’s attitude toward dam removal. This workshop will include a visit to the Wynants Kill, including an electrofishing demonstration and hike, and optional wading. See the flyer at for more information. Register at[/private]