The meaning of life is a matter that many search for but few actually discover. Some travel great lengths to find it, while others stumble upon it with ease. The meaning of life varies from person to person, but to me it is finding what makes me happy and achieving success doing whatever I choose. [private]
Merriam Webster defines success as the desired result of an attempt, but it is so much more than just material gain. Most measure this achievement in money, power, or objects, but these do not make the successful truly happy. Success does not reside as a surface accomplishment, it is so much deeper. Only you can feel when you have reached the beacon of success. It is when you express that success that others will see it too.
Success should not be measured in the amount of money you make or how big your house is, it should instead be measured in levels of happiness. Family’s happiness, friend’s happiness, but mostly your own happiness, because that is the most important thing after all.
Happiness is finding what motivates you, what makes you feel right, clicks with you. This for me is art. You never know when inspiration will strike, but when it does it’s electrifying. It is inspiration and happiness combined that will make you feel the most successful. Whether it be science, English, or even art, always do what makes you happy.
My fellow classmates, nothing is more important than your future. You are the only one who can determine the path that you travel in life. Your success should not be measured in the things you can buy, but rather the happiness you have found. Find what you love, strive for your vision of success, and true happiness will quickly find its way. Good luck![/private]