The Grafton Peace Pagoda Flower Festival, celebrating the Birth of the Buddha, will be held on Sunday June 12 at 11 am. Join us in celebrating Buddha’s Birth in this world and in reawakening our belief in humanity’s noble, spiritual purpose on this earth.
[private]“All Life is sacred. We come into Life as sacred beings.”
– Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Spiritual Leader The Great Sioux Nation
The event will include a Traditional Buddhist Ceremony, Ecumenical Prayers, Speakers, Music, and a Pot Luck Community Lunch (Vegetarian options preferred.)
To be held at Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda, 87 Crandall Rd, Petersburgh, NY 12138. For information or to help with ceremony preparation, please call (518) 658-9301 between 8 am and 5 pm. You can also check out the “Grafton Peace Pagoda” Community on Facebook.[/private]