National Trails Day is the perfect opportunity to help clean up local parks. On Saturday, June 4, the Friends of Grafton Lakes State Park and Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center will be hosting the Twenty-third Annual National Trails Day – the nation’s annual celebration of trails. Both parks invite volunteers of all ages to help clean up and improve trails on Saturday morning and indulge in the trail activities they enjoy most in the afternoon.[private]Registration will begin at 9 am at both parks; refreshments and snacks will be available. Registration at Grafton Lakes State Park will be at the Rabbit Run pavilion. Cleanup and improvement of both trail systems will take place between 9:30 am and 12 pm and will be followed by a complimentary barbecue picnic for all volunteers. After the barbecue, participants are encouraged to enjoy the trails and parks. Reservations must be made in advance for the barbecue by calling the Grafton Lakes State Park Office or Dyken Pond Office no later than June 1.
Please join park staff on June 4 to enjoy and celebrate public trails. For more information about this event, please contact Grafton Lakes State Park at (518) 279-1155 or Dyken Pond Center at (518) 658-2055. For additional information about state parks and historic sites in New York, visit and for more information about Dyken Pond Center, visit . [/private]