by Thaddeus Flint
A $12,554,205 proposed budget for the New Lebanon Central School District 2016-2017 school year passed Tuesday with 149 in favor of the budget. Twelve voters were against the budget which comes with a 0% tax levy and a decrease in spending of .95% over the current budget.[private]Of the four open seats on the District’s School Board, two were taken by official candidates Sharon Putnam with 149 votes and Tim Lambert with 146. Two write-in candidates are expected to take the remaining open seats. There were 44 write-in votes. The District has not yet announced the write-in winners as they have yet to be contacted with the results.
NLCSD Superintendent Leslie Whitcomb thanked everyone who came out to vote, and said “We are grateful for the support of our community. This budget is fiscally responsible to our tax payers, while keeping students as the focus, as we continue to strengthen education programs for all students.”[/private]