Friday, May 13 – Star and Moon Gazing At Grafton Lakes State Park at 7:30 pm. Join Albany Area Amateur Astronomers for an early evening program geared towards families. Check out the waxing moon via telescope! Cloudy skies may cancel so if forecast looks questionable, please call the park 279-1155 or Albany Astronomer member Bernard at 953-0356 to confirm if program will be held. Formal registration is NOT required. [private]Saturday, May 14 – Morels for Mother’s Day, 1 to 3 pm. Please join local mycologist Sue Van Hook for the first morsels of spring fungi. We will walk the loop around one of the lakes in appreciation of all fungi, and will hope for a morel or two, oyster mushrooms and perhaps a fresh Dryad’s saddle. Bring a hand lens if you own one. Instructor will provide them for the group otherwise. Children make excellent mushroom hunters, so please bring them. Meets at Shaver Pond Center, 194 Shaver Pond Road in Grafton (Donations appreciated) Please RSVP: 279-1155.
Saturday, May 14 – Frog Watch Sunset Program from 8-9 pm. Did you know that none of our East Coast frogs actually say RIBBIT? Or that we have our own native poisonous frog? Join us for an evening of getting to know our resident frogs here at Grafton Lakes. We will also take a short hike to a wetland for some citizen science practice! We will discuss why monitoring frogs is so critical and how you can do it in a wetland near you. Call the park to register: 279-1155
Friday, May 20 – Outdoor Tykes: Free Nature Program for Little People at 10 am. Hands-on play and learning in the forest and fields of Grafton. This month’s theme: Frogs! Please RSVP: 279-1155
Saturday, May 21- The Ever-Changing Forest – A Tour with Entomologist Mike Birmingham at 10 am. The forest is always in flux, influenced by everything from weather to wildlife. What are some stories from Grafton’s forest over its history? Join entomologist and tree pathologist Mike Birmingham on a tour of the park where he’ll share some surprising stories from the forest that was, is, and will be. Free! RSVP – 279-1155
Friday, May 27- Memorial Day Weekend Star Watch at 8:30pm. Join Albany Area Amateur Astronomers for a free tour of the night sky with telescopes provided. Cloudy skies may delay to Saturday, so if forecast is questionable please call 953-0356 to confirm. Please use Winter Entrance and follow signs to program at Deerfield. Free!
Saturday, May 28 – Grafton Lakes State Park’s Beach Opens for 2016 season! Daily hours through Labor Day are 10-6 with gate fees $8/car.
Monday, May 30 – Memorial Day Sand Sculpture Contest. The annual beach tradition starts with registration at noon. Complete your sand sculpture by 2 pm for judging, and prizes issued by 3 pm. Goodies for everyone and grand prize fun for best in each age category. See you on the beach![/private]