Bird Language Workshop with Kevin Bose: Saturday, May 7, from 9 am until noon at Dyken Pond Environmental Center. When we understand the vocalizations of birds, unseen happenings become more visible to us. As our awareness expands and our disturbance lessens, the fox, the hawk, and the weasel hidden in the landscape are revealed. Instructor Kevin Bose has an endless supply of excitement for bird language, wild plants, tracks, and other natural mysteries.
[private]Bose will introduce bird language, then lead a “bird sit,” or bird language observation. Everyone’s observations will be combined to give a story of the land. Bose sees nature’s connection as a powerful tool not only for bringing out an individual’s gifts, but also for rebuilding the “village” in the human community. Limited to 20 attendees, fee $15 or $10 for members of Friends of Dyken Pond or Rensselaer Land Trust. To pre-register, contact Lisa Hoyt at (518) 658-2055 or
Call for Volunteers-Riverkeeper Sweep Cleanup: Saturday May 7, from 9 am to 5 pm. Join us in our second annual Riverkeeper Sweep cleanup workday at our Staalesen Preserve, now expanded to include Burden Pond. Workday is a joint project with the City of Troy and PostContemporary.
We will work regardless of weather. Come for the whole day or a part of it. To register, please contact Joe Durkin at 518-279-9870 or, or Bob Crowley, at 518-283-7364 or[/private]